Basic Medical First Aid Kit

Basic Medical First Aid Kit

Basic medical first aid kit will be a useful think you will need at any situation in any place. If you want to provide medical first aid kit by yourself, please checklist your first aid kit to be at least as I mention here.

The following items are basic medical first aid kit:
  1. Protective gear
  2. Adhesive bandages
  3. Sterile gauze pad
  4. A roll of adhesive surgical tape
  5. Scissors
  6. Elastic bandages or Ace bandages
  7. Sterile cotton ball and sterile cloth
  8. Tweezers
  9. Matches or childproof lighter
  10. Rubbing Alcohol
  11. Oral and rectal thermometers
  12. Calamine lotion
  13. Antihistamine tablets
  14. Mineral oil and Q-tip
  15. Sterile eye wash
  16. Syrup of ipecac
  17. A bar of soap or a container of antibacterial liquid soap
  18. An ice pack
  19. A flashlight
  20. Medicine for diarrhea
  21. Aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and ibuprofen (Advil)
  22. Large, triangular pieces of cloth (scarves)

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