Diabetic Emergencies

Most diabetic patient adequately manage the disease and maintain stable blood sugar levels. However there is a condition where diabetic person can not control himself because of severe illness or suddenly bad condition because of uncontrolled treatment. Therefore first aid skill is needed to help for their life.

There is a condition in which the onset of diabetic coma from insufficient insulin, leaving cells unable to absorb glucose from the blood, is usually gradual and therefore unlikely to reach crisis stage. Blood sugar levels elevate as the condition progresses, leading to sever hyperglycemia. Early symptoms of hyperglycemia include:
  • Thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Ultimately coma
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can be occurred because of taking too much insulin, skipping food, or excessive stress, exercise, or alcohol consumption. It can develop more rapidly and usually without warning, except the victim is usually aware that he or she is diabetic. The symptoms of hypoglycemia include:
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pale, cold, and moist skin
  • Rapid pulse
  • Headache
  • Poor coordination
  • Shakes or trembling
  • Changes in behavior or mood
  • Seizures
  • Eventual coma
First Aid Actions:
The treatment of a person with low blood sugar is simple and quickly effective if initiated soon enough. Give the victim any food or ding that contains sugar, including soda, fruit juices, ice cream, candy bars, or spoonfuls of table sugar dissolved in water. If he or she loses consciousness, place sugar, cake icing, or similar under his or her tongue.

Be aware to not let a recovering victim resume normal activity too quickly. He or she should rest and should be allowed to eat some food that will provide a longer-acting release of sugars into the blood.

Medical First Aid Skill: Listening to the Heartbeat

Listening to the heartbeat is as important as taking a pulse. When you hear the person’s heartbeat means he or she is alive even if the pulse is so weak. How to listen a heartbeat: Here are the ways:
  1. For men, put your ear below the breastbone slightly to the left of the nipple. For women, put your ear right below the left breast. For children, put your ear slightly to the left of the nipple
  2. Count heartbeats for one full minute. You will find normal heartbeats for adult 60-90 times per minute. Children and babies can have higher ranges.
When the heartbeat is too fast, it means the person is suffering from agitation or panic, shock, or fever.

Medical First Aid Skill: Taking Pulse – Finding Heart

What is a pulse? The pulse is the rhythmic expanding and contracting of the arteries (heart) caused by blood moving through them. It’s also called as a heartbeat. Everyone has heartbeat. Then how to take a pulse or heartbeat?

Normally pulse ranges from 60 to 90 beats per minute in adult, 80 to 160 beats per minute in young children, and up to 120 beats per minute in babies. A rapid pulse can be sign of shock or severe strain on the heart.

There are several ways to take a pulse / heart beat. Every time you can’t feel a pulse at one location, you should tray another location on the individual’s body. Here are the steps:
  1. Place your index and middle finger on the inside of the person’s wrist
  2. If you can’t feel it at the wrist then try the carotid artery at the neck. It is located below the ear on the side of the neck directly below the jaw. This way is the best when you have to give victim mouth-to-mouth ventilation
  3. If you still fail to feel a pulse, use the same two fingers on either side of Adam’s apple at the throat, the femoral pulse at the groin, or in between the muscle on the inner side of the upper arm
  4. When you feel a pulse, count it for 15 seconds
  5. Multiply the number you get by four, you will find the individual’s heartbeats per minute

Medical First Aid Kit For Older Family Members

Here are some specific items that should be kept on hand especially for adults:
  • Anaphylaxis kits, for allergic reaction, such as allergic to bee stings, to reduce inflammation effects and swelling in the airways
  • Nitroglycerin tablets, specially for family member has a history of chest pain or angina
  • Inhalators for asthma cases
  • Eye drops
  • Ear drops, can be use to remove wax or a stubborn insect
  • A vial of glucose or solution of glucose and a few packets of sugar to fight a low blood sugar reaction
  • Insulin injections for someone has diabetes
  • A warm blanket
  • A plain brown paper lunch bag and anti-anxiety medicines that can be used to ward off panic attacks

Medical First Aid Kit for Child Under 12 years

The young kids tend to experience sudden illness more often then adult. Furthermore, young children need different doses of medication and treatments. It is advised to read the labels of pain relievers, cough syrups, or cream before using them for the young children.

Consider special item you should prepare for your kids. The items are:
  • Baby aspirin (for aches, pains, strains)
  • Warm blankets
  • Small stuffed animal
  • Towels
  • Baby powder
  • Children's cough syrup
  • A music box or favorite cassette or walkman for distraction
  • Adhesive tape (fun designs and shapes)
  • Cloth tape
  • Bright bandana (for sling or splint)

Basic Medical First Aid Kit

Basic Medical First Aid Kit

Basic medical first aid kit will be a useful think you will need at any situation in any place. If you want to provide medical first aid kit by yourself, please checklist your first aid kit to be at least as I mention here.

The following items are basic medical first aid kit:
  1. Protective gear
  2. Adhesive bandages
  3. Sterile gauze pad
  4. A roll of adhesive surgical tape
  5. Scissors
  6. Elastic bandages or Ace bandages
  7. Sterile cotton ball and sterile cloth
  8. Tweezers
  9. Matches or childproof lighter
  10. Rubbing Alcohol
  11. Oral and rectal thermometers
  12. Calamine lotion
  13. Antihistamine tablets
  14. Mineral oil and Q-tip
  15. Sterile eye wash
  16. Syrup of ipecac
  17. A bar of soap or a container of antibacterial liquid soap
  18. An ice pack
  19. A flashlight
  20. Medicine for diarrhea
  21. Aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and ibuprofen (Advil)
  22. Large, triangular pieces of cloth (scarves)

Basic Principles in Medical First Aid

Basic Principles in Medical First Aid

Keep in mind… The basic Principles of First Aid in any situation. There are … principles as I will mention here.
  1. Use the tools you have
  2. Do not Panic!!!
  3. Treat or Wait
  4. Know Emergency Numbers
  5. Remember your ABCs (Airways Opening, Breathing, Circulation)
  6. Avoid Infections by:
    1. Wash Your Hands
    2. Wear Gloves
    3. Wear a Gown, Apron, or Cover-up
    4. Use Disposable Airway Bags
    5. Use Protective Glasses and a Mask
    6. Be aware of Sharp Objects
  7. Know the Top 10:
    1. Shout for help
    2. Assess the situation and scout the territory
    3. Determine whether the accident warrant a visit to a hospital
    4. If you are trained and certified in CPR and a person is choking or cannot breathe, begin CPR right away
    5. Stop the bleeding
    6. Treat any symptoms of shock
    7. Look for a Medic Alert bracelet or necklace
    8. Seek trained medical assistance
    9. Never give an unconscious injured person anything by mouth
    10. Wait (the ambulance to arrive)
  8. The Complete First Aid Kit